In the Red

“Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart”

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I LOVE my job. I don’t make any money. I do not earn fame or recognition for the work I do. There’s no schedule to punch or days off. But there are huge benefits. I get to love and know 18 beautiful kids and 4 special women who make this “job” my greatest passion realized.

I am the director of Lifegate Children’s Home in Sierra Leone, Africa.

Some of my day to day tasks include writing reports and filing paperwork, checking on all the kids and caregivers, going to meetings, and balancing a budget. Some days it includes running kiddos to the doctor and having parent- teacher meetings. Often it is filled with hugs and smiles. Occasionally, it includes tears and hard talks. Every day it is a blessing.

The reason I am writing this is because my biggest job is to make sure all these people I love are taken care of. I want to be sure these kids can go to school, see a doctor when they are sick, have shoes to cover their feet and food to put in their bellies. I want to know we can pay our staff so these kids are taken care of and safe and secure. Unfortunately, these things are not for sure now.

We started 2018 a little rocky. We have had some supporters of LCH reach a point where they were unable to continue giving. We also had to add on the expense of security to meet the laws put in place by social welfare and keep our doors opened. To be honest, we lack $310 a month in support. We are praying for 11 people to come along side us and give a gift of $30 a month, or $1/day, to keep us up and running. Would you be willing?

You cannot fathom what a blessing your donation is to these kids and caregivers. Your monthly gift keeps these kids healthy, fed, and happy. We want to raise these kids up to have opportunities most people in this country never get. Would you please consider partnering with this family? This is our passion. We can’t do it without you.

To partner with us, please click the link HERE TO GIVE  or email me at and I will walk you through it!


One thought on “In the Red

  1. Praying for this need to be met and more. We have increased our giving for FA. Love your heart for this work! That I was able to travel to LCH and see it first hand….priceless! Love you all. Hugs for everyone. 😙

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